Our technology runs a 7- minute painless skin scan, measuring changes in skin electricity conduction.
Our technology applies painless frequencies to the skin.
Sensory nerves in the skin, relay this (input) information to the brain where this information is processed.
Our technology then records the resultant skin response, which is relayed from the brain back to the skin (output), via the sudomotor pathway which is part of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.
This data (skin response) is digitalised, then analysed and the results are available in minutes.

Electrodermal Scanner and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Frequency Generator
Two in one: Scan and frequency application unit.
7- minute scan function.
Scan data can be downloaded for further analysis or can be directly used and applied as a treatment.
Treat from, scan function
Scan data download function for data analysis
299 pre-programmed treatments and 15 custom programs
Pre-programmed CAF (Consolidated Annotated Frequency) list of 1614 treatments
Frequencies unique to the model include Brian Stenulson’s “Beneficial, Normalizing and Stimulating” frequencies, the Bach flower remedies and the Solfeggio frequencies
Up to 7 groups can be created
Hulda Clark Zapper
Compile your own groups and custom-made programs
Graphic display to indicate procedures
A fully functional frequency generator for pulsed electromagnetic units that can drive self-adhesive electrodes, handheld electrodes, a treatment mat, and a magnetic unit
Custom programs that can be changed via a personal computer (Windows operating system)
Built-in 2-hour rechargeable battery
Adjustable brightness of the LCD
International IEC 60601-1 standard approved
Technical Specifications:
Input power: 5-volt USB charger
Built-in battery pack: 3.7-volt 2500mA-H (up to 3 hours standby)
Power consumption: 210mA (max)
Power supply: USB cell phone charger
Size: 120 x 65 x 45 cm
Weight: 300 gm
Output frequency Pulser unit: 0.1 Hz to 40 kHz
Scan frequency tracer unit: 0.1 Hz to 1000 kHz
Resolution: 0.01 Hz
Signal shape: Square/sine wave
Rise and fall times: 100 – 500 nanoseconds, depending on load and output voltage
Output voltage: Adjustable from 1 to 18-volt peak to peak
Signal polarity: DC with AC transitions during scanning
A quartz crystal oscillator accuracy of 20 parts per million at 25 degrees Celsius with a temperature deviation of 0.006 parts per million per degree Celsius
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Frequency Generator
299 pre-programmed treatments and 15 custom programs
Pre-programmed CAF (Consolidated Annotated Frequency) list of 1614 treatments
Frequencies unique to the model include Brian Stenulson’s “Beneficial, Normalizing and Stimulating” frequencies, the Bach flower remedies and the Solfeggio frequencies
Up to 7 groups can be created
Hulda Clark Zapper
Compile your own groups and custom-made programs
Graphic display to indicate procedures
A fully functional frequency generator for pulsed electromagnetic units that can drive self-adhesive electrodes, handheld electrodes, a treatment mat, and a magnetic unit
Custom programs that can be changed via a personal computer (Windows operating system)
Built-in 2-hour rechargeable battery
Adjustable brightness of the LCD
International IEC 60601-1 standard approved
Technical Specifications:
Input power: 5-volt USB charger
Built-in battery pack: 3.7-volt 2500mA-H (up to 3 hours standby)
Power consumption: 210mA (max)
Power supply: USB cell phone charger
Size: 120 x 65 x 45 cm
Output frequency Pulser unit: 0.1 Hz to 40 kHz
Resolution: 0.01 Hz
Signal shape: Square/sine wave
Rise and fall times: 100 – 500 nanoseconds, depending on load and output voltage
Output voltage: Adjustable from 1 to 18-volt peak to peak
Signal polarity: DC with AC transitions during scanning
A quartz crystal oscillator accuracy of 20 parts per million at 25 degrees Celsius with a temperature deviation of 0.006 parts per million per degree Celsius