We provide an innovative health monitoring and management solution for use in both humans and animals, including domestic and wildlife.
We customize our equipment to meet our client’s specific health monitoring and management needs, whether for humans or animals, including domestic and wildlife.
We provide post-sales customer and equipment support.
We make EPD Products available to customers
The result of in-house research and development for both human and animal use
We customise our products for our customer needs
We supply consulting services and/or design
We supply the following services directly or indirectly through our affiliated technical company eTechHub.
Drinking water enhancement with embedded frequencies
Runoff water treatment plants for stables and animal pens

Point of care Diagnosis
Our technology runs a 7- minute painless skin scan, measuring changes in skin electricity conduction.
This data (skin response) is digitalised, then analysed and the results are available in minutes.
Health Management
Results from a scan can be utilized in the following manner:
Treat from scan option.
Following a scan, the frequencies identified as problematic can immediately be applied as a treatment.

We customize our equipment to meet our client’s specific health monitoring and management needs, whether for humans or animals, including domestic and wildlife.
Due to the unique design of our products, we are able to customise our standard units, with
The company logo of our clients. We are also able to program our units to contain specific frequencies
and treatment required by our customers for their specific needs.
We provide post-sales customer and equipment support.
We offer product training and equipment repair.